Why jsii?


In this article, I discuss what led to the creation of jsii, and explain some of the design constraints it was built under.

For those unfamiliar, jsii is the technology that enables the AWS CDK to be entirely authored in TypeScript, while being available to use in several other languages (C# and other .NET languages, Go, Java, Python, ...).

The inception of AWS CDK

Elad Ben-Israel recalls the events that led to the creation of AWS CDK in the foreword he wrote for The CDK Book: developers build increasingly complex applications on the cloud, and shift towards IaC solutions such as AWS CloudFormation to achieve reliable, reproductible infrastucture provisioning. While this is a clear upgrade from manually provisioning infrastructure in the AWS Console or writing custom scripts using the AWS CLI, maintaining growing YAML templates can quickly become daunting – they are effectively a flat list of resources that isn't well correlated to the mental model or goals of the developers maintaining it. Eventually, large amounts of code end up copied across the template, making it difficult to keep up with best practices.

Software engineers have designed techniques to deal with large projects, leading to the invention of OOP – a programming model that thrives on creating abstractions to reduce the perceived complexity of a system. Abstractions are closer to the developer's mental model, and facilitate re-use and composition.

OOP seemed like a natural fit for IaC: the inherent complexity of cloud services could be hidden away by layering abstractions that better fit a developer's mind frame. But this wasn't enough: with the advent of the DevOps movement, application developers (who author business logic of an application) and platform operators (who provision and operate the infrastructure which runs the developer's application) are increasingly often... the same people. Since existing IaC programming models at the time typically relied on DSLs, there was an opportunity to improve DevOps productivity by enabling developers to write their IaC in the same language they write their application in.

AWS' experience with SDKs

AWS has had tooling available for a variety of programming language for a while already: officially supported AWS SDKs are available for the most popular languages. These are individually written libraries, each crafted by a dedicated team of language specialists. While much of the code is in fact generated from service models, the core functionality is hand-written for each language.

The consequence of this is that different SDKs have different features, behaviors, and performance. When a new fundamental feature is added to the service models, each individual SDK needs to adopt it separately, possibly on very different timelines. When a bug is discovered in an SDK, it is difficult to determine whether the same bug exists in other SDKs, and if so - to port the fix over.

Generating libraries from service models also has limitations: the service model is built with the intent to describe the service's API as it's implemented. It is hence tightly coupled to the service's protocol of choice (e.g: REST, SOAP, ...), which is usually tailed for machine interaction, not for human consumption. This in turn contributes to making it harder for developers to map their mental model to the service's surface, and increases the perceived complexity of the services. Abstractions would solve this, but they realize their maximum potential when they are written by humands with a good understanding of the service's use-cases, and how customers are supposed to use it.

A plan emerges

With all this in mind, the original design for AWS CDK opted for a slightly different approach than that of the AWS SDks, with the goal of ensuring maintainers would be able to spend their time working on high-added-value API design, while not having to concern themselves with multiple different programming languages:

  1. AWS CDK applications will use AWS CloudFormation as a provisioning engine – it's reliable and well tested, and building a provisioning engine from scratch would be a distraction;
  2. Generate a baseline from the CloudFormation resource specification in order to reduce the boilerplate needed in order to get started with writing abstractions;
  3. Hand-write abstractions once, in a single language;
  4. Re-use that code for all supported languages – via generated bindings.

This is how jsii was originally imagined: a collection of tools that processes TypeScript class libraries and generates bindings in the supported languages.

Why TypeScript?

Well for starters, it was difficult to miss such an obvious opportunity to uphold Atwood's Law:

Any application that can be written in Javascript, will eventually be written in Javascript.

Jeff Atwood, circa 2007.

Javascript is pervasive today – runtimes have excellent performance characteristics and are readily available for virtually any platform you'd think about. Web browsers all come with a Javascript engine, such as Google Chrome's V8 that incidentially also is the engine of choice for the popular Node platform.

Javascript however lacks built-in support for static typing, which is essentially required for the task at hand: static type information is necessary in order to build idiomatic-looking bindings in statically typed languages such as Java. This is where TypeScript comes into the picture: the Microsoft-developed language quickly became popular and the standard TypeScript compiler has an API that can be used to process a program or library's AST, complete with type information (statically declared as well as inferred).

A proof-of-concept version of jsii was written using the TypeScript compiler API, which traverses exported declarations from a TypeScript module's entry point (as specified by the types key in package.json), and produces a .jsii assembly document that describes the module's types. Next, jsii-pacmak was created to consume the .jsii assembly and generate Java bindings to these, with the intention of looking as idiomatic as possible.

Code Generation

TypeScript is a modern language with a powerful type system – perhaps too powerful. In the quest to generate idiomatic-looking bindings in other languages, this flexibility quickly became a problem... Many TypeScript idioms are simply not supported in other languages. Some of them can be emulated, but only at the expense of additional boilerplate and leaking out TypeScript-isms to the bindings language. Others have semantics that cannot be easily replicated in all languages, as features with similar syntax exists, but semantics differ in ways that would be problematic

. Some features are simply not uniformly available in all languages, such as:

  • Go generics have very limited functionality compared to Java or C#
  • C# is strict about the Liskov Substitution principle and does not allow covariant specialization of members
  • Very few languages support optional members in the way TypeScript does
  • ...

In order to improve odds of success, jsii effectively implements a dialect of TypeScript: exported API elements may only use a subset of the TypeScript syntax, while private implementation details are free to leverage all features of the language.

Programming Localization

Idioms often translate across languages but sometimes in very different ways. For example, Javascript traditionally uses property bags to provide a constructor with configuration, which was a natural fit for AWS CDK construct properties:

const bucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'BucketName', {
    blockPublicAccess: s3.BlockPublicAccess.BLOCK_ALL,
    enforceSsl: true,

This idiom could be naively translated to Java in the following way:

Bucket bucket = new s3.Bucket(this, "BucketName", new BucketOptions() {
    public s3.BlockPublicAccess getBlockPublicAccess() {
        return s3.BlockPublicAccess.BLOCK_ALL;

    public Boolean getEnforceSsl() {
        return true;

This is however not the Java idiom. Translating the syntax elements from one language to another is not sufficient, it needs to be localized – that is the target language's culture must be taken into account. The Java idiom that corresponds to Javascript's property bag is the builder pattern:

Bucket bucket = s3.Bucket.Builder.create(this, "BucketName")

This is one example of the kind of localization work that is happening in jsii-pacmak, but it does not stop here, as it also accounts for naming pattern differences:

  • C# and Go use PascalCase for naming public API elements
  • C# prefers I-prefixing all interface names
  • Java hides properties behind getter and setter methods
  • Python uses snake_case for method and property names

The jsii compiler performs checks and validations to ensure case- and name-conversions do not result in two legitimate API elements from TypeScript resulting in a name collision in any of the target languages. It also prohibits creating APIs that would be found to be illegal in other languages (such as covariant specialization being illegal in C#).


You now understand the history of why jsii was created and have a rough idea of design constraints deriving from the goals jsii seeks to achieve.